FLorida Intimate Relationships Research Team
Romantic relationships are among some of the most impactful social relationships we have during our lifetimes. We aim to advance theory on and generate novel insights into three broad relationship challenges that people face with romantic relationships:

How do people choose relationship partners?

How do people maintain
satisfying, long-term relationships?

How do people manage relationship stressors such as romantic rivals?
Vidhi Bansal (she/they) is a third-year graduate student at Oklahoma State University. Vidhi's research interests center on examining the intersectionality between attraction and romantic relationships, specifically looking at the role of perceived attractiveness in mate acquisition and retention. Additionally, they are interested in examining environmental mismatches, such as how psychological mechanisms involved in singlehood are mismatched to modern-day technology and media. In their free time, they enjoy watching tv, listening to music, or reading fiction books.

John Kim (he/his) is a second-year graduate student at Oklahoma State University. His current research focuses on human mating, the effects of ecological features (e.g., sex ratio and pathogen threat), and individual differences (e.g., personality). In his free time, he enjoys playing Nintendo games and watching YouTube videos.